Clojure code, round 2

;;; A simple application that acts as a very primitive time server and ;;; client. (import '( BindException ServerSocket Socket) '(java.lang.reflect InvocationTargetException) '(java.util Date) '( InputStream OutputStream StringWriter) '(java.util.concurrent Executors)) ;;; Globals (def DEFAULT-PORT 51345) ;; A structure defining the data in a unit test, as well as a global ;; list of all the tests. (defstruct unit-test :name :description :function :after) (def ALL-TESTS {}) ;;; Testing functions ;; Unit test accessors (def unit-test-name (accessor unit-test :name)) (def unit-test-description (accessor unit-test :description)) (def unit-test-function (accessor unit-test :function)) (def unit-test-after (accessor unit-test :after)) ;; Add a new test structure to the list of unit tests, or replaces the ;; existing test of that name if it already exists. (defn unit-tests-add [test] (def ALL-TESTS (assoc ALL-TESTS (unit-test-name test) test))) ;; Takes an unsorted and a sorted list of unit tests and moves / sorts ;; some of the tests in the unsorted list over to the sorted list (defn unit-test-list-helper [unsorted sorted] (let [nils (filter (comp not unit-test-after) unsorted) alls (filter (comp (appl eql? :all) unit-test-after) unsorted) others (filter (fn [t] (not-any? (fn [x] (eql? (unit-test-after t) (unit-test-after x))) (concat nils alls))) unsorted) in-sorted (fn [t] (some (fn [x] (eql? (unit-test-name x) (unit-test-after t))) (concat nils sorted)))] (cond (first nils) (list (concat alls (filter (complement in-sorted) others)) (concat nils (filter in-sorted others))) (== (count alls) (count unsorted)) (list nil (concat sorted alls)) :t (list (concat alls (filter (complement in-sorted) others)) (concat sorted (filter in-sorted others)))))) ;; Returns a list of unit tests, sorted according to their :after ;; statement. (defn unit-test-list ([] (unit-test-list (vals ALL-TESTS) nil)) ([unsorted sorted] (if (not (first unsorted)) (map (fn [test] (list (unit-test-description test) (unit-test-function test))) sorted) (let [helped-list (unit-test-list-helper unsorted sorted) unsorted (first helped-list) sorted (second helped-list)] (recur unsorted sorted))))) ;; Run all the defined tests (defn test-all [] (let [test-out (new StringWriter)] (loop [test-list (unit-test-list) failure false] (let [test (first test-list) test-list (rest test-list)] (cond (not test) (do (if failure (println "---\nSome tests failed.") (println "---\nAll tests passed.")) (list failure test-out)) :t (let [test-result (time (binding [*out* test-out] (eval (list (second test)))))] (println "Testing" (first test) ":" test-result) (recur test-list (when (or (not test-result) failure) true)))))))) ;; Define a testing function. Same syntax as defn, only with a ;; description string and a list of extras (may be empty) (defmacro deftest [fname description extras & fdecl] `(do (defn ~fname ~@fdecl) (unit-tests-add (struct unit-test :name (name '~fname) :description ~description :function ~fname ~@extras)) #'~fname)) ;;; Utility functions (defn current-time [] (str (new Date))) ;; Generate an array of bytes from a string, suitable for passing to a ;; write() method. ;; ;; Has a unit test. (defn byte-arr-from-string [#^String str] (. str (getBytes))) (deftest test-byte-array-from-string "string->byte array conversion" () ([] (test-byte-array-from-string (current-time))) ([str] (let [barr (byte-arr-from-string str) bseq (map (comp char (appl aget barr)) (range (alength barr))) chseq (map char str)] (and (== (alength barr) (count bseq) (count chseq)) (some true? (map eql? bseq chseq)))))) ;; Takes a sequence of bytes (not a byte array, but a sequence) and ;; concatenates it into a string. (defn string-from-byte-sequence [coll] (reduce strcat (map char coll))) ;; Gets the integer length of a string. Returns nil for "" and nil. (defn #^Int length-of-string [#^String string] (if string (. string (length)) 0)) ;;; Listener functions ;;; These control the server ;; Make a new listener. Returns that listener or nil if no listener ;; can be created on that port. ;; ;; Has a unit test. (defn #^ServerSocket listener-new ([] (listener-new DEFAULT-PORT)) ([port] (try (new ServerSocket port) (catch BindException except (println "Address is already in use."))))) (deftest test-listener-new "creating a listener" () ([] (test-listener-new DEFAULT-PORT)) ([port] (with-open listener (listener-new port) (when listener true)))) ;; Logical predicates for whether a listener is open or closed. ;; ;; Have unit tests. (defn #^Boolean listener-closed? [#^ServerSocket listener] (. listener (isClosed))) (def listener-open? (complement listener-closed?)) (deftest test-listener-predicates "listener open?/closed? predicates" (:after "test-listener-new") ([] (test-listener-predicates DEFAULT-PORT)) ([port] (let [listener (listener-new port) tests (and (not (listener-closed? listener)) (listener-open? listener))] (. listener (close)) (and tests (not (listener-open? listener)) (listener-closed? listener))))) ;; Wait for a connection to a given listener the return the socket to ;; that connection. ;; ;; NOTE: This function is blocking. (defn #^Socket listener-wait [#^ServerSocket listener] (. listener (accept))) ;; Closes a given listener. Really only for use from the REPL or from ;; unit tests, as actual code should be using (with-open ...) ;; ;; Has a unit test. (defn listener-close [#^ServerSocket listener] (. listener (close))) (deftest test-listener-close "closing a listener" (:after "test-listener-predicates") ([] (let [listener (listener-new DEFAULT-PORT)] (and (listener-open? listener) (not (listener-close listener)) (listener-closed? listener))))) ;; Takes a socket, sends the current time through it, closes the ;; socket's output and returns the socket. (defn #^Socket listener-send [#^Socket lsocket] (.. lsocket (getOutputStream) (write (byte-arr-from-string (current-time)))) (.. lsocket (getOutputStream) (close)) lsocket) ;; Launches the supplied listener and then loops, waiting for ;; connections. ;; ;; NOTE: Because it depends of (listener-wait ...), which is blocking, ;; this is qlso blocking. (defn listener-run [listener port] (loop [socket nil] (if (listener-closed? listener) listener (do (when socket (. (listener-send socket) (close))) (recur (listener-wait listener)))))) ;; Launches a listener as a background thread. Returns that listener. (defn listener-run-in-background ([] (listener-run-in-background DEFAULT-PORT)) ([port] (let [listener (listener-new port) exec (. Executors (newSingleThreadExecutor)) run (appl listener-run listener port)] (when listener (. exec (submit run))) listener))) ;;; Connection functions ;;; These control the client. ;; Makes a new connection to a listener. Times out in 5 seconds if no ;; connection is made. ;; ;; Has a unit test. (defn connection-new ([] (connection-new DEFAULT-PORT)) ([port] (connection-new "" port)) ([address port] (try (doto (new Socket address port) (setSoTimeout 5000)) (catch InvocationTargetException except (println (strcat "Could not connect to " address " on port " port)))))) (deftest test-connection-new "creating a connection" (:after "test-listener-close") ([] (let [listener (listener-run-in-background) connection (connection-new)] (and (connection-new) (not (listener-close listener)) (not (connection-new)))))) ;; Reads data from a supplied socket as an array of bytes. Stops on ;; timeout and when receiving the -1 end of stream byte. (defn connection-read [#^Socket conn] (let [instream (. conn (getInputStream)) reader (fn [] (try (. instream (read)) (catch InvocationTargetException except -1)))] (loop [bytes nil current-byte (reader)] (if (== current-byte -1) bytes (recur (concat bytes (list current-byte)) (reader)))))) ;; Closes an open socket. (defn connection-close [#^Socket conn] (. conn (close))) ;; Opens a connection to a listener, reads out a byte sequence, then ;; returns that sequence as a string. ;; ;; Has a unit test. (defn connection-run ([] (connection-run DEFAULT-PORT)) ([port] (let [conn (connection-new port) str (when conn (string-from-byte-sequence (connection-read conn)))] (when conn (connection-close conn)) str))) (deftest test-connection-run "running a complete connection" (:after :all) ([] (let [listener (listener-run-in-background) result (connection-run)] (and (listener-open? listener) (not (listener-close listener)) (listener-closed? listener) (<= 0 (length-of-string result)) (== 0 (length-of-string (connection-run)))))))